Collaborations proceed at the rate of trust

DNA Compass: Accelerating Genomic Collaboration with Trust and Efficiency

Federated Data: Connecting, Not Collecting

Historically, genomic data was centralized in a few well-funded institutions, with data access often requiring months of coordination. As the global research landscape evolves, there is a shift towards federated data — a solution that connects genomic data sources without moving large, redundant copies of data across institutions. DNA Compass enables this federated data approach, leveraging sophisticated web security developed by earth mapping professionals over the past three decades.

Reuse Existing Mapping Infrastructure for Global Genomics

Building and deploying global genome mapping software from scratch would require years and billions of dollars in investment. However, most institutions worldwide already have access to mapping software. DNA Compass reuses existing infrastructure, enabling global federated genomic data to flow between entities and across borders far more efficiently than creating new, expensive systems. This infrastructure reuse makes both financial and practical sense.

Returning Value to Data Providers

Genomic data is often expatriated from the countries and communities providing the samples, with little value returned to them. DNA Compass ensures that data access can be revoked at any time, giving communities greater control over their genetic information. By enabling dynamic consent (as opposed to static consent), DNA Compass allows entities to publish genome map layers while retaining the ability to adjust access as needed, thereby increasing access to genomic data at a global scale.

DNA Compass: Fast, Simple, Affordable

To accelerate genomic discovery, DNA Compass offers technology that is trustworthy, accessible, and optimized for speed and simplicity.

  • Fast: We focus on delivering results in 90 days, continuously optimizing after the initial value is delivered.
  • Simple: Our user-friendly design ensures that a wide range of users can collaborate intuitively.
  • Affordable: Rather than developing expensive enterprise solutions, we reuse existing location data infrastructure to efficiently map and manage genomes.

Join the Genomic Mapping Revolution
With DNA Compass, patients, researchers, and advocacy groups can securely collaborate and innovate, creating a brighter future for genomic research.
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